List of books from the category Mosses

  • Mosses:
    Breidler, Johann
    "Die Laubmoose Steiermarks und ihre Verbreitung" (1891)
    Number of scanned pages: 336
    (Systematik; Botanik; Moose)
    Language: German, Created: 2002-06-07
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (81.46 MBytes)

    Geheeb, Adalbert
    "Bryologica atlantica" (1910)
    Number of scanned pages: 0
    (Systematik; Moose)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2008-06-13
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM] [Mirror Botanik online]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution) (5.51 MBytes)

    Hedwig, Johannes
    "Fundamentum historiae naturalis muscorum frondosorum" (1785) Leipzig
    Number of scanned pages: 307
    (Botanik; Moose)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2004-03-31
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution). (87.06 MBytes)

    Hedwig, Johannes
    "Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptogamicarum linnaei" (1785) Leipzig
    Number of scanned pages: 372
    (Botanik; Moose)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2004-04-07
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution). (100.32 MBytes)

    Hedwig, Johannes
    "Descriptio et adumbrato microscopio-analytica Muscorum Frondosorum nec non aliorum vegetantium e classe cryptogamica Linnaei novorum dubiisque vexatorum" (1787) Leipzig, Bibliopolio I. G. Mülleriano
    Number of scanned pages: 795
    (Botanik; Moose; Systematik)
    Language: Latin, Created: 2005-12-21
    This is the basic monography of systematic moss science.
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]
    pdf-File: Complete book (Medium resolution). (146.18 MBytes)

    Janzen, Peter
    "Moosmosaik" (1912) Danzig
    Number of scanned pages: 18
    (Botanik; Moose)
    Language: German, Created: 2004-05-10
    [Mirror MPIPZ] [Mirror ZUM]

    Migula, Walter Emil Friedrich August
    "Moose Band V." (1904) Gera, Friedrich von Zezschwitz, Botanischer Verlag Flora von Deutschland
    Number of scanned pages: 662
    (Moose; Botanik; Systematik)
    Language: German, Created: 2009-07-22
    Contains 68 plates, partly in color.
    [Mirror MPIPZ]